Row River Rural Fire
Protection District

Row River Rural Fire
Protection District

Serving the Disston, Culp Creek and Dorena area

Row River Rural Fire
Protection District

Serving the Disston, Culp Creek and Dorena area


Visit the South Lane County Fire & Rescue FireMed page for more information.


For information on preventative measures and current restrictions,
please visit the ODF website
or call: (503) 945-7200


For more information about outdoor burning, to see if it is a burn day, or to file a complaint about outdoor burning:

Click to visit LRAPA
or call 541-736-1056

Create Defensible Space

Now is the time to protect your home with defensible space. We are honored to have the support of the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) with their defensible space grant.  Please contact us to prepare your home for fire season at zero cost to homeowners.

2024 Fire Season Restrictions

Support Your Local Fire District

Rural Fire Protection District

Preservation | Prevention | Education | Protection