District Board Meetings
The Row River Rural Fire Protection District holds its monthly board meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Dorena School library. The meeting agenda will be made available for public review five days prior to each meeting. Minutes will be posted after approval.
RRRFPD Board Meetings
3rd Tuesday of the Month
Dorena School Library
(Enter through the side door)
37141 Row River Rd, Dorena, OR 97434
Meeting Date & Time
August 20, 2024
Dorena School
Board Attendees
Sue Brown, Buck Rudicel, Marilyn Vann, Darin Rhodes, John Kirk
Others in Attendance
Chief Wooten, Walt Bernard, Deputy Chief Baird, Division Chief Becerra, Leesa Doerrie, Kathleen Istudor, Kelly Rhodes, Karen Marten, Aleece Castro-Fredrick, and several community members.
Meeting Date & Time
July 16, 2024
South Lane County Fire & Rescue Training Room
Board Attendees
Sue Brown, Buck Rudicel, Marilyn Vann, Darin Rhodes, John Kirk
Others in Attendance
Jim Stearns, Chief Wooten, Deputy Chief Baird, Leesa Doerrie, Walt Bernard and Attorney Truman Stone with Local Government Law (via Phone) and several community members.
Meeting Date & Time
June 25, 2024
CG Library | Community Center
Board Attendees
Sue Brown, Buck Rudicel, Marilyn Vann, Darin Rhodes, John Kirk
Others in Attendance
Jim Stearns, Chief Wooten, Deputy Chief Baird, Leesa Doerrie, Walt Bernard and Attorney Truman Stone with Local Government Law (via Phone) and several community members.